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ISBN: 9789280113327
*** Hardcopy is discontinued, available in the e-Book (digital) format only (IMEB-575) circa 2020
The Guidelines provide up-to-date information on the use of oil spill dispersants. They are intended primarily for use by Member Governments and other oil spill responders and should be read with the Manual on Oil Pollution, section IV: Combating Oil Spills (IA569E). The present edition of these Guidelines supersedes the 1982 edition.
A first draft version of the text was presented to the thirty-fifth session (March 1994) of IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) by the Government of France, acting through the Centre de documentation de recherche et d'expérimentations sur les pollutions accidentelles des eaux (CEDRE). A workshop was subsequently held in Brest (France). The resulting document was considered and approved at the thirty-sixth session (October/November 1994) of the MEPC.
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