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Oil spill cleanup workers can face potential hazards from oil byproducts, dispersants, detergents and degreasers. Drowning, heat illness and falls also pose hazards, as can encounters with insects, snakes and other wild species native to the impacted areas. In these situations, OSHA goals include ensuring that workers receive appropriate training and protective equipment. This training tool was developed by National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, as a health and safety resource for those who will participate in an oil spill response and cleanup.
Table of Contents
Employer Responsibilities and
Worker Rights...................................................5
At the end of this awareness-level
Advanced/Additional Training Required
for Those Involved in an Oil Spill.....................7
Module 1: Introduction to Oil Spill Cleanup...9
National Contingency Plan..........................10
Unified Command.......................................11
Health and Safety Plans..............................12
HASP (continued)........................................13
OSHA’s Hazardous Waste Operations and
Emergency Response Standard
HAZWOPER Requirements that Apply to
Marine Oil Spills...........................................15
Proper Instruction for Cleanup Workers .....16
Hazardous Materials and Hazard
Emergency in the Field................................18
The FIRST Priority is to Protect Yourself.....19
Physical Environment..................................21
Module 2: Heat Injury Prevention..................22
The Hazards of Heat Exposure...................23
Factors Increasing the Hazard....................24
Recognizing Heat Injury..............................25
Respond Rapidly to All Heat Injury.............26
Preventing Heat Injury.................................27
Work and Rest Cycles.................................28
Adjust to the Heat.......................................29
Fluid Intake..................................................30
Additional Risk Factors...............................31
Urine Output Color Chart............................32
Module 3: Oil Spill Cleanup and
Health Concerns.............................................33
What is an Oil Spill? ..................................34
What is Crude Oil?......................................35
What is in the Crude Oil from this Spill?......36
Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL)...........37
Crude Oil.....................................................38
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