OSHA Longshoring Industry, 2001 (Revised)


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OSHA Longshoring Industry, 2001 (Revised)


This booklet contains all the safety and health standards concerning the marine terminal and longshoring industries, as contained in Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 1917 and 1918, as of June 30, 2000. Also, included are brief discussions about:

  1. The importance of training in establishing and reinforcing employee awareness of job safety and health (see “What Other Help Does OSHA Provide?”).
  2. The elements of a safety and health program that can be used by employers to develop effective programs at their work sites (see “Guidelines for Workplace Safety and Health Programs in the Marine Terminal and Longshoring Industries”).
  3. OSHA’s onsite consultation program that is available to employers (see “What Other Help Does OSHA Provide?”).

Hazards not covered by Marine Terminal and Longshoring Industry standards may be covered by general industry standards contained in 29 CFR Part 1910 (see §1917.1 or §1918.1, as applicable, for 1910 standards that can be cited). Where a particular marine terminal or longshoring hazard also is covered by general industry standards, only the marine terminal or longshoring standard is cited by OSHA inspectors (described in more detail in 29 CFR Part 1910.5).

In addition, OSHA regulations regarding general agency practices and procedures are applicable to marine terminal and longshoring industry employment, directing particular attention to the provisions of 29 CFR Part 1904, “Recording and Reporting of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.” The marine terminal and longshoring standards cover employees of employers that perform marine cargo handling operations on shore or aboard vessels.

Table of Contents
Foreword ....................................................................................... 1
Maritime Coverage Under State Plans ....................................... 3
Guidelines for Workplace Safety and
Health Programs in the Marine Terminal and
Longshoring Industries ............................................................ 4
Basic Elements .............................................................................. 5
Management Commitment and Leadership ................................... 5
Employee Participation .................................................................. 6
Hazard Identification, Assessment, and Control ............................ 7
Training ........................................................................................ 11
Recordkeeping .............................................................................. 13
Multiple Employer Worksites ....................................................... 14
Accident and Incident Investigation ............................................. 15
Program Evaluation ..................................................................... 15
Subpart A—General Provisions ............................................... 17
§1917.1 Scope and applicability ................................................. 17
§1917.2 Definitions .................................................................... 19
§1917.3 Incorporation by reference ........................................... 22
§1917.4 OMB control numbers under the Paperwork
Reduction Act ............................................................................ 24
Subpart B—Marine Terminal Operations ............................... 25
§1917.11 Housekeeping ............................................................. 25
§1917.12 Slippery conditions ..................................................... 26
§1917.13 Slinging ...................................................................... 26
§1917.14 Stacking of cargo and pallets ...................................... 27
§1917.15 Coopering ................................................................... 27
§1917.16 Line handling .............................................................. 27
§1917.17 Railroad facilities ........................................................ 27
§1917.18 Log handling ............................................................... 29
§1917.19 Movement of barges and railcars ................................ 30
§1917.20 Interference with communications ............................. 30
§1917.21 Open fires ................................................................... 30
§1917.22 Hazardous cargo (See §1917.2(p)) ............................. 30
§1917.23 Hazardous atmospheres and substances
(See also §1917.2, Hazardous cargo, material,
substance, or atmosphere) ......................................................... 31
§1917.24 Carbon monoxide. ...................................................... 32
§1917.25 Fumigants, pesticides, insecticides and hazardous preservatives (See also §1917.2, Hazardous cargo, material,
substance, or atmosphere) ......................................................... 33
§1917.26 First-aid and lifesaving facilities ................................ 34
§1917.27 Personnel .................................................................... 36
§1917.28 Hazard communication (See also §1917.1(a)(2)(vi)) . 37
§1917.29 Retention of DOT markings, placards and labels ....... 37
§1917.30 Emergency action plans .............................................. 38

Subpart C—Cargo Handling Gear and Equipment ............... 39
§1917.41 House falls .................................................................. 39
§1917.42 Miscellaneous auxiliary gear ...................................... 40
§1917.43 Powered industrial trucks ........................................... 49
§1917.44 General rules applicable to vehicles ........................... 55
§1917.45 Cranes and derricks (See also §1917.50) ................... 60
§1917.46 Load indicating devices .............................................. 70
§1917.47 Winches ...................................................................... 73
§1917.48 Conveyors ................................................................... 74
§1917.49 Spouts, chutes, hoppers, bins, and
associated equipment ................................................................. 75
§1917.50 Certification of marine terminal material handling
devices (See also mandatory Appendix I, Part 1917) ................. 77
§1917.51 Hand tools ................................................................... 82
Subpart D—Specialized Terminals ........................................... 83
§1917.70 General ....................................................................... 83
§1917.71 Terminals handling inter-modal containers or
roll-on roll-off operations .......................................................... 83
§1917.73 Terminal facilities handling menhaden and similar
species of fish (See also §1917.2, Hazardous cargo, material,
substance, or atmosphere) ......................................................... 88
Subpart E—Personal Protection ............................................... 89
§1917.91 Eye and face protection .............................................. 89
§1917.92 Respiratory protection ................................................ 89
§1917.93 Head protection .......................................................... 90



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