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ISBN: 9781682475164
Binding: Hardcover Textbook
Pages: 448
Available Aug 2020
By: ADM James Stavridis, USN, Ret. RADM Robert P. Girrier, USN Ret., CAPT Tom Ogden, USN, and CAPT Jeff Heames, USN
A Handbook for All Deck Watch Officers
Watch Officer’s Guide, 16th Edition, is a handbook for all deck and combat information center watch officers of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard afloat, in the air, under the sea, and ashore. Originally written more than one hundred years ago and last revised in 2007, the book provides officers with guidance on the watch in general, communications, shiphandling, standard commands, safety, honors and ceremonies, engineering, and rules of the road—essential elements for success in standing any watch. It offers, in a single volume, a great deal of important information for aspiring officers seeking qualification, ensuring that they have the requisite knowledge and appreciation of the importance of what they are doing. For the more experienced watch officer, this 16th edition continues a long-standing tradition by providing a compendium of information handy for review and for the actual standing of a watch. The lessons and themes are shaped and geared toward the afloat watchstander, though they also provide a foundation for success in other areas of both military and personal life.
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