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ISBN: 978-1-906915-29-2 (9781906915292)
Author: Commodore David Squire CBE FNI FCMI
Published by: Nautical Institute
The advance of technology has changed the development of, and reliance on, visual aids to navigation but they continue to be vital tools for mariners to assess and verify their position. They provide situational awareness and orientation, indicate current flow and afford redundancy for electronic systems. They also highlight individual dangers such as wrecks, rocks and shoals.
The book updates an original report issued in 2003 and evidence compiled during the original consultation and as part of the updating is included.
Until there is a viable terrestrial back-up to global naviagtion satellite systems (GNSS), there will be a continuing need for them. Even if they are not used for position fixig, they will be increasingly be needed for visual reference - vital to alert mariners that they may be staing into danger.
This book updates an original report by The Nautical Institute and refects te technological advances that have taken place siince it was first issued in 2003. Evidence complied during the original consultation and as part of the updating is included.
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