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A tour of over 30 minor harbours around the coasts of southwest Britain from Lyme Bay to the River Severn. Illustrated with evocative colour photography, Dag Pike’s narrative brings to life a contrasting collection of small historic harbours, which although infrequently visited have a fascinating story to tell.
Hidden Harbours of Southwest Britain aims to paint a picture of what harbours were like in the past and what they are like now. They can make an interesting alternative for visiting yachtsmen looking for somewhere off the beaten track to visit and explore, perhaps by small tenders. They can tempt visitors looking to trace the industrial archaeology of harbours and the reasons for its rise and decline, or walkers along the coastal paths. Many of the harbours were built to last and they can be rich in history and rewarding to visit both by land and sea.
Dag Pike has 60 years of experience in a wide variety of ships and boats having worked with Trinity House on their lighthouse tenders and with the RNLI as an Inspector of Lifeboats. He has raced offshore powerboats, sailed competitively and set many long distance records, and has cruised extensively around the coasts on both power and sail yachts. He holds a Master’s certificate and a Yachtmaster Ocean. He has written 36 books including his autobiography and writes for many yachting magazines around the world. He now spends part of the year living in Cornwall and sails in the Falmouth Working Boats.
Publication details:
Stock code IB0160 Publisher Imray ISBN 9781846232046 Edition 2010 (2010) Publication Book Soft cover 250 x 210mm
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