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A detailed boating guide that covers the Danube Delta and its channels in Romania and the Ukraine. The information is based on first-hand experience and includes everything you need to know for a safe, enjoyable trip across an area of great natural beauty. The delta is divided into 65 easy-to-read colour tables. Each one covers a specific stretch of the delta and details distances, landing stages, anchorage spots, accommodation, port facilities, signage and boatyards, as well as nature reserves and towns. Alongside each table are brief descriptions and photographs of the area.
This boating guide steers you gently along the waterways of the Danube Delta through beauty spots hidden in as maze of channels, lakes and natural areas.
Stock code RB0503, Publisher Edizioni il Frangente, ISBN 9788887297546, Edition 1st, Last printed 2010, Publication Book By: Guido Cattaneo
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