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The Efficient Deck-Hand 2012, The Revised 5th Edition
ISBN: 978-1-84927-028-1 (9781849270281)
By: C. H. Wright
Revised by: Thomas Provan
A companion book to: "Survival at Sea ─ The Lifebiat & Liferaft"
This up-to-date textbook has been compiled especially for use in the pre-sea training of deck cadets and ratings and as a guide for G.P. ratings and all seamen, particularly those attempting the E.D.H. and A.B. examinations. It contains easily assimilated information on elementary ship construction, compasses, steering, anchors, fire-fighting, rope work, splicing multiplat and wire ropes, lifting tackle, MacGregor hatches, hazardous cargoes and routine maintenance.
The Author, C. H. Wright had a distinguished career, firstly as a Merchant Navy apprentice in 1927 and then joining the National Sea Training School (Sharpness) in 1950, transferring to Liverpool in 1967, when his book has been brought up-to-date by various revisers, continuing its reputation as a valuable reference, not only for students being examined for Able Seamen or Efficient Deck Hand Certificates, but also ordinary seamen, yachtsmen, fishermen or anyone with a general interest in the subject.
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