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Western Great Lakes from Lake Huron (including Georgian Bay and the North Channel) to Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. This edition also includes the inland portions of the Great Loop Cruise from Chicago to the Gulf of Mexico.
Spiral Cover, 8.5 x 10.5
Waterway Guide Great Lakes, Volume 2, is the indispensable cruising companion for boaters exploring the western Great Lakes from Lake Huron (including Georgian Bay and the North Channel) to Lake Superior (including the St. Marys River) and Lake Michigan. This edition also includes the inland portions of the Great Loop Cruise from Chicago to the Gulf of Mexico.
The guide features mile-by-mile navigation information, aerial photography with marked routes, marina listings and locator charts, anchorage information and expanded Goin' Ashore articles on ports along the way. Helpful cruising data like GPS waypoints, detailed planning maps, distance charts and bridge tables help get cruisers there safely. Flexible spiral binding and heavy laminated covers with bookmarker flaps ensure durability and easy use in the cockpit and at the helm.
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