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Format: Paperback
Pages: 384pp
Dimensions: 8 x 11
ISBN-13:978-0-07-184837-4 (9780071848374)
Author: Charlie Wing with Jim Austin
Supplier/Publisher: McGraw Hill/ International Marine
Published Date: 2015
Date Added: September 2015
Earning a captain’s license just got easier Whether you are an avid boater seeking to improve your seamanship and get a discount on boat insurance or aspire to start a business running a charter, sightseeing, or whale-watching boat, this revised and updated Fifth Edition is the only resource you need to obtain the captain’s license you want, including the six-passenger “Six-Pack,” Master and Mate Inland, Master and
Mate Near Coastal, and Sail/Auxiliary Sail Endorsement. Get Your Captain’s License is thorough enough to replace costly classroom instruction with its 350 pages of seamanship and navigation tutorials and more than 1,500 questions and answers from the Coast Guard exams. Plus, the new associated website simulates taking actual exams and provides instant feedback that lets you pinpoint the areas you need to study.
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