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The UKHO has produced an Anti-Piracy Planning Chart as part of an initiative driven by the EU Naval Force.
• Q.6099 Chart Scale: 1:7500 000 Equator Merchant Projection
• Gulf of Aden Scale: 1:3300 000 Merchant Projection
• Edition Number: 2nd Preliminary
• NOT Corrected by Noticed to Mariners
Admiralty customers ordering the Anti-Piracy Planning Chart (Q.6099) will be able to claim a free copy of the advice booklet 'Best Management Practices for Protection against Somalia Based Piracy' (BMP4). Please add to your shopping cart.
Co-ordinates given are usually those of the four extremities of the chart. In many cases not all the area within will be fully charted*.Customers should check that the chart meets their requirements by viewing the chart image (where available).Mariners should always use the largest scale navigational chart available.
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