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*** This is a yearly subscription to the digital IMO-Vega Database. *** Note: The Electronic Download version was discontinued on 10 Dec 2021. *** There are no refunds or exchanges on digital products!
e-Reader: An IMO Publishing e-reader file is fully bookmarked, indexed and presented in ebk file format which is viewed using the free IMO Bookshelf software. *** Macs, iPhone, iOS and Android phones are not supported. *** There are no refunds or exchanges on e-Books or e-Readers!
e-Reader: An IMO Publishing e-reader file is fully bookmarked, indexed and presented in ebk file format which is viewed using the free IMO Bookshelf software. *** Macs, iPhone, iOS and Android phones are not supported. *** There are no refunds or exchanges on e-Books or e-Readers!
*** 10Dec21, IMO has discontinued this item. As such, there will be no further updates to the existing download version beyond the most recent update of v25.1 (November 2021). Technical support will continue for this version until November 2022 and for version 25.0, until February 2022. ***Alternatively, it is available as an Internet Subscription
e-Reader: An IMO Publishing e-reader file is fully bookmarked, indexed and presented in ebk file format which is viewed using the free IMO Bookshelf software. *** Macs, iPhone, iOS and Android phones are not supported. *** There are no refunds or exchanges on e-Books or e-Readers!
*** 28 Mar 2024, Discontinued, use the e-Reader version (IMER-200-22)
*** 28 Mar 2024, Discontinued, use the e-Reader version (IMER-110)
e-Book: PDF e-Books can be opened with Adobe Reader. *** There are no refunds or exchanges on e-Books or e-Readers!
ISBN: 978-92-801-1757-8 e-Reader: An IMO Publishing e-reader file is fully bookmarked, indexed and presented in ebk file format which is viewed using the free IMO Bookshelf software. *** Macs, iPhone, iOS and Android phones are not supported. *** There are no refunds or exchanges on e-Books or e-Readers!
ISBN: 978-92-801-1584-0 (9789280115840) e-Book: PDF e-Books can be opened with Adobe Reader *** There are no refunds or exchanges on e-Books or e-Readers!
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