Print-on-Demand British Admiralty Charts

On-site production at Maryland Nautical Sales

Mariners have trusted the high quality of British Admiralty charts for centuries. As an International Admiralty Chart Agent, Maryland Nautical Sales has evolved the method by which they supply clients with these reliable products.  In addition to hand-corrected, up-to-date stock charts, MNS now provides BA Print-on-Demand (POD) charts, produced onsite at MNS Baltimore headquarters. At time of printing, POD charts are up to date with the latest Admiralty Notices to Mariners.

Admiralty POD Printer

Charles Singer, MNS' in-house cartographer, elaborates: "We now have two printers dedicated to BA charts, with an average print time of four minutes per chart. This speeds our efficiency and allows backup redundancy. With POD and our hand-corrected stock, we can provide our clients immediate access to 99% of their requirement for BA charts."

Maintaining the high BA standard of quality is an exacting process, for which MNS' ISO 9001 certification and proven credentials is required. Each day, MNS run in-house print tests to verify the color, size and alignment against an Admiralty master print.  MNS ships a monthly test print to Admiralty, who then verify all aspects of the product.

To produce a POD chart, MNS receives cloud-based encrypted chart data files from the updated Admiralty database. This secure data ensures there is no manipulation of size or content. Charts are then printed on dedicated, Admiralty-recommended HPZ-5200 printers, using Admiralty-provided paper and cut to Admiralty chart specifications.

This growing POD capability has enabled MNS to reduce it's stock of Admiralty charts, each of which must be hand-corrected weekly by Singer, who maintains his Admiralty certification to do so.  An increasing number of chart orders are fulfilled by POD, resulting in reliable, accurate charts at reduced overall cost.  Singer notes "POD allows us to offer our mariner clients highly reliable British Admiralty charts on very short notice. Our mission, and that of UKHO, is saving lives at sea."

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